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Dr. Tiffany Dotson Drives Effort to Avoid Corporate Reconstruction 3.0

LEAD360 Mag

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

Dr. Tiffany Dotson, Global Learning Officer of Liberty Mutual Insurance, leads the LEAD360 Executive Think Tank. This collaborative incubator will be held on October 27-28, 2022, at The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. Here, the team will explore solution to sustain the recent success of Black executives. Dr. Dotson and team outlines four specific topic areas from which defensive strategies must be developed:

Topic 1: Reconstruction 2.0:  Building A Sustainable Model For Black Executive Success, Topic 2: Making It To The Board, Topic 3: The Black Resignation:  How do we keep the next generation of leaders?, Topic 4: End to End Supplier & Partner Support for Black Small Business Owners


Reconstruction 2.0: Building A Sustainable Model For Black

Executive Success

Recent social media posts show that there has been a significant progression of Black leaders to the senior and executive ranks. Our challenge will be to understand the composition of this progress better and develop strategies and tactics to sustain the movement.


Making it to the Board

There has been much fodder about paid board positions. And many have taken on roles on notable boards. However, many executive leaders are too overwhelmed to investigate what it takes to attract attention to such opportunities. Our challenge is to understand how we can support those who are there and provide continued education and engagement for those who are ready.


The Black Resignation: How Do We Keep the Next Generation of Leaders?

America has been through a reality check fueled by a two-year pandemic, political alchemy, and persistent incidents of a growing cultural malignancy. Concurrently, employees at all levels must restructure their employment situation to match their values system. As a result, organizations are losing the retention play with key leaders. For Black leaders, resignation has resulted in a greater movement to places with more money at greater levels. The question is, how do we keep our best and create space to develop and promote our next generation of Black leaders?


End to End Supplier & Partner Support for Black Small Business Owners

There has been much fodder about paid board positions. And many have taken on roles on notable boards. However, many executive leaders are too overwhelmed to investigate what it takes to attract attention to such opportunities. Our challenge is to understand how we can support those who are there and provide continued education and engagement for those who are ready.

We are excited to engage thought-leaders such as Quita Highsmith, Jerilan Greene, Rodney Gillespie, Dr. Natasha Bowman, Dr. Cynthia Turner, Yolanda Hawkes, Audra Bohannon, Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, Diana Banks, Gerald Young, Esq. and Darryl A. Smith as we get ahead of the challenges to sustainability.

by Dr. EW Walton


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